It is that time of year, when we get out our scary ghosts and goblins, and those extra scary costumes for the kids…but where do you store them, you ask????
Here are 3 great steps to help you not feel so overwhelmed with all of those crazy decorations!!
Here are 3 great steps to help you not feel so overwhelmed with all of those crazy decorations!!
Step One: Use a large orange and black container to store the decorations. This makes it easier to find the decorations, when that time comes around to get them out. Divide decorations according to inside decor or outside decor.
Step Two: write down what is in each container on an index card. Tape the index cards to the front of each container. Stack them with the label facing out so you don't have to open each container. This will save you time when it comes to decorating for Halloween.
Step Three: When you decorate, only use one container at a time. Put the empty containers back in there HOMES, until you are ready to put the decorations away for the season.
I hope you have a fun and save Halloween night!
Put away and organize all Halloween decorations!!