Friends, many of you have seen the news reports that my dear friend Lana was brutally mauled by a black bear in Pinetop, AZ. She is a very close friend of mine.
I served as the Relief Society president for my church for 3 years, and that wonderful woman was literally my right hand man!! If something happened in the ward or neighborhood, I would run over to find out that SUPERWOMEN LANA had already been there with food or her cleaning supplies or both. I look up to Lana in every way.
The Sunday before it happened she came up to me and gave me a big hug... JUST BECAUSE!! If I would have known I would have hugged her a little longer, and told her again how much I love and appreciate her.
Lana, I love you and pray daily for your recovery. Thanks for being such a great example for all of us.
Please come out on July 8Th and 9Th on the Corner of Val Vista & Baseline
3651 E. Baseline Rd.
Gilbert, AZ
***Help up raise money for this amazing woman.***
There will be bands playing in the parking lot, car washes, booths with items such as baked goods, knock off jeans, purses, boutique items. Inside the building we will have massage therapist doing massages, hair stylists doing hair cuts, eyelash extensions ect. Also Lakeside Cosmetic and Family Dentistry owned by Dr. Kris Heap has offered to do cleanings, exams, xrays, and whitening by a first come first serve basis.
These two days, each activity is set up so ALL proceeds will go to helping Lana with this terrible tragedy that has happened. For those of you that don't know dear sweet Lana she has spent a lifetime serving our community and helping those in need. We want to give back and she needs us right now. After the bear attack she spent her first night and morning in surgery for about 8 hrs and another round of surgeries today.
Please come, tell your friends and neighbors to come. We have also set up an account through Bank of America if you would like to donate details on that will come. If you are a business owner we have created containers with her picture in which people can donate money but we need businesses to place these jars.
This will be a HUGE event with media/news attendance and we will need all the help offered. Thank you for your support, love, donations and prayers for our sweet friend Lana!
Go to: www.loveforlana.org for more info!! Thanks for all your support!!