
Friday, December 3, 2010

Organizing your Health and Fitness Part #3

Last and final step…

3. Use your calendar to make appointments for your future check-ups, weigh-ins etc. If it even helps write your exercise schedule on your calendar, and stick to these appointments. Make sure you get a full body physical every year. The month of your birthday, might be a good idea, so you never forget.

You owe it to your future to get this part of your life on track. Enjoy it.

Homework: go for a brisk walk or run, and have a healthy and ORGANIZED weekend!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Organizing your Health and Fitness Part #2

Okay here is the next tip for a new and healthier YOU!!!

2. Write down specific actions you need to do to achieve your goals. If your goal is to exercise 3 times per week. Write down and schedule which 3 days you will be working out, what time you will work out on those days, how long the workouts will be and exactly what you plan on doing during that time. I always make appointments around my workout schedule. STICK TO YOUR SCHEDULE!!!

Will see you on Friday for the last TIP!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Organizing your Health and Fitness

Do you make time to take care of your most valuable asset? Because without it, you have nothing. There are some illnesses that you cannot control, but there are things that you can do to prevent a lot of the illnesses that are in your control.

Those of you, who know me, know that I have a passion for fitness!! Twelve years ago I knew I wanted to help others learn to love to exercise like I do…so I went and got my fitness instructor certification. Since then I hope I have at least touched one life for the better.

Here is the 1st tip to get you on the right track with health and fitness.

1. GET A CHECK UP!!! Determine your current state of health. Check your weight, blood pressure, vision, dental health and full body. It’s important to know where you are and where you should be and know what your body can handle for your future workouts!! Set achievable goals based on where you should be. If your doctor tells you that you are 20lbs over weight, the goal is fairly clear, lose 20lbs. Break it down into smaller goals that you can track and achieve. Write all your goals down and be as specific as possible.
Come back on Wednesday for the next tip!!!

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