Here are the next 3 tips to saving you time and money…
4. Clean out the Refrigerator — Take the time to clean your refrigerator the day before you go shopping. This will eliminate purchasing things you already have on hand and you will also be able to know what exactly what condiment or dairy product is about to run out.
5. Plan Meals — Take a few minutes to plan your meals for the week. This very important strategy lessens the likelihood of making impulse purchases and buying unnecessary items at the grocery store, or picking up fast food on the way home from work. Planning your meals also gives you the opportunity to enhance the nutritional value of each meal by considering healthier choices for you and your family. Keep it simple, you know what you and your family like and dislikes. Research indicates that simply by planning meals, it is possible to save as much as fifty percent on grocery expenses.
6. Take Inventory — after planning out your meals, take inventory before writing out your grocery list. Go through the pantry and match the items you have on hand to your recipes, and then create the grocery list.
Save time and money by having all of the items that you need on hand for completing each meal will eliminate multiple trips to the grocery store.
We all have to eat so anything that you can do that will take the stress off and save money is worth devoting a few minutes of time to each week. These simple strategies will work to keep you organized, while eliminating loads of stress — all the while saving quite a bit of money on your monthly grocery expenses. ***Do you ever have to take the kids with you?? If you do I have a little trick I always use…I give my kids a sucker and they have to ask to bite it. That way it lasts usually the whole shopping trip. However Finley usually asks me 15 times to bite it before we are done. But oh well whatever works!!!
Homework: Make a shopping list this week!! Hope you have a great and ORGANIZED weekend!!