Here are a couple of tips to make GETTING READY a little easier!!!
***I try to have HOMES for most of my ESSENSIALS on my counter top, like lotion, cleanser, hairspray, spray bottle etc. That way I can just grab what I need and put it away fast!!!! (I found this handy little storage bin at World Market, I think it was a desk organizer…but works great for all my morning rituals!!!) AND LOOKS GOOD TOO!***
***I also have my curling irons and blow dryer hanging on my wall for easy access!!! I know it doesn’t look the greatest, but for me and my family it is a MUST!!! ( I found it at Sally’s.)***
EASY GRAB!! EASY PUT AWAY!! That is my motto to make things better, especially for 8 AM church!!!
Homework: CLEAN and ORGANIZE your bathroom countertop!!
Have a great and ORGANIZED weekend!!