I came across this article and loved the concept, so I wanted to share it with you! It is from the Organized Mom. I thik it is a BRILLIANT idea. I hope you can use it!
Many people have asked me what is the simplest way to get a family (especially a large one) organized. My answer is always color coding! There are so many things you can get organized, and create order in your home just by simply assigning colors and sticking to them. If the children are old enough you can ask them what their favorite color is and use that, if they are younger you can assign it yourself. Don’t forget a color for Mom & Dad too!
Schedules – This is probably the most obvious one. Each family member’s appointments and tasks are written in their color so it is easy to see at a glance who needs to go where. In Daily Home Planner this is very easy as when you enter a family member you have to assign them a color.
Stuff – You can purchase tooth brushes in their color, backpacks, journals, anything that you will be buying for every member for the family, even sheets. This will prevent fights over who’s is this (unless you are my 2 year old who thinks that EVERYTHING is hers). Mainly it will help you keep track of what’s what without having to search for a name.
Chores – When you do laundry you can place the children’s clothes in bins marked (either with a label you’ve colored, or different colored bins) with their color. You will easily be able to see who hasn’t put their laundry away yet, and it will be easy to sort the clothes.
Paperwork – Homework, permission slips and any other type of paper that the kids need can go in color coded folders.
The benefit for smaller families – Now if you really don’t have a problem keeping track of your kids belongings (because you only have 1) then you can still benefit from the color coding process! Schedules still need to be coordinated (even if it is just your husband, you and your child). Laundry still must be sorted. And even Trevor and I need to keep our toothbrushes sorted out.
Pick your colors today and stop the “Who’s is this?” question!
Homework: Assign your family a color! Have a ORGANIZED and wonderful Halloween!!!
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