
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Toddlers and Organizing????

Thanks for coming back...Here are the last 2 great ideas for chores for your toddlers...

Idea #4...Setting the table. By age three, most children will be able to set a table with minimum supervision. They can atleast put plates and cups where they go!!! Idea

#5...Returning toys to their proper homes. After playing with toys, toddlers should return them to their proper storage bins or shelves. As a result, storage shelves and bins need to be within your child’s reach. This is my little's main chores. Ask anyone who knows me, my children know where everything in the playroom goes. When they are done playing the rule is clean up before going to do something else. Even if we have to leave to the grocery store, I always take 2-3 minutes and say lets clean up before we go!!!!

At age two and three, most of these chores will need some level of supervision. The closer your child gets to elementary school age, however, the less supervision they will need to carry out THERE CHORES!!!!

Homework: Make a chore chart for your littles. Have a great and ORGANIZED week!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Toddlers and Organizing????

Friends often ask me what chores and responsibilities can you give toddlers. You definatly want to start teaching your littles about putting away their things, but you also don’t want to have unreasonable demands upon a two, three, and four year olds. Young children are eager to be independent, and helping your child learn skills that help their independence as well as get valuable organizing concepts are a great place to start the teaching process.

The following are a some suggestions for responsibilities that are appropriate for toddlers and some recommendations for teaching these skills:

Idea #1...When your little turns two, a good chore for them to do is, put there blanket away. A two year old is too small to make his or her own bed but they can definaltly put there blanket in a basket or drawer. Don't expect it to be folded but put in its home nicely!!

Idea #2...Hanging up there coat. Put a couple of removable utility hooks on the back of the coat closet door at a low enough height that they can reach the hook but high enough so their coat won’t drag on the ground. When they come inside the house, let them be responsible for putting there coat on the hook.

Idea #3...Putting dirty clothes in the hamper. Have a hamper that your child can easily put clothes into and see the clothes inside the basket. After you assist your child in getting out of his clothes and into his pajamas, hand him his clothes and ask him to put them in the hamper. As your child gets older and can dress himself, simply monitor him to ensure that he continues with this responsibility.

Come back Thursday for the last 2 ideas!!!

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